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grow hair on bald head

M/s MOHAN MEDICOSE and SONS My new achievement 😊 I have helped this guy to grow hair on his bald head n still he is taking medicines fr...

Thursday, December 30, 2010



Prior to gaining some tips on curing yeast infection and getting some important home remedies for yeast infection it is of significant interest to learn the reasons for the cropping up of yeast infection. It may also enlighten you if you make an attempt to comprehend this contamination. Yeast infection in females and males has risen over time as both the sexes leave their yeast infection symptoms unattended expecting a chance miracle to get rid of this disease. These people increase the difficulties in the process and overlook important infection signs. One needs to reason out its symptoms and approach a doctor or a physician to get his/her needs attended to. Yeast infection in females usually occurs during pregnancy.

This infection is rooted by the action of candida albicans that are the damage of the popular yeast. Vagina yeast surface up in a woman’s vaginal openings in a small amount with the action of other strained yeast. However, lactobacilli\us acidophilus, a naturally occurring bacterium that is present in the vaginal area controls the strained bacteria to some considerable amount. A vaginal yeast infection in females and a anal yeast infection in males occurs due to the imbalances in the right quantity of these organisms at the sensitive areas.
Common reasons of imbalances in their existence in a specific quantity may include the intake or certain antibiotics that have a large spectrum and other over the counter steroids and birth restriction tablets that may destruct the bacterium that are needed. Several hormonal reforms that take place in a woman during the pregnancy stage also contribute to the reasons for the malfunction of these bacteria’s. Due to masturbation the vaginal opening or the anal opening may be open to the acidic equilibrium of the vagina or penis affecting the areas with this virus. Rash use of certain vaginal cleansing products may also cause vaginal yeast infection due to certain inbuilt ingredients. When men and women wear skin tight jeans yeast infection can arise due to the lack of breathing space for the vaginal or the anal areas.
There are however certain home remedies for yeast infection that people need to be aware of. These handy yeast infection home remedies can have a lasting impact that can help you to get rid of yeast infection. Hence one need not pick up over the counter medicines and antibiotics for the same purpose. This makes it mandatory to know the reasons due to which yeast infection in males/females can be caused.
While most women rush out to pick up the quick-fix medications, the fact is the home remedies have a longer lasting effect, with no side effects. In fact, apart from curing, these remedies can be used daily to ensure that the infections do not occur. Apple cider vinegar is a common ailment. Its application in the affected areas with some garlic and water is a fruitful solution and a highly recommended home remedy for yeast infection. Yogurt with active cultures must e applied on the area of infection. This is also widely used by people. Inclusion of curds and butter milk in the regular diet helps you to resist this infection. There is also a tonic that can be made with the blend of some olive oil leaflet extort, water and grape fruit seeds mining. This is a highly curative home remedy for yeast infection.



Genital warts also known as venereal warts is a communicable sexually transmitted disease (STD) .this disease is caused by some sub species of human papillomavirus .anal warts is communicated into a person through anal sexual foreplay with a person infected with anal warts. Genital warts may also be transmitted through oral or genital sex with a partner who is infected.

Genital or anal warts generally surfaces in the genital or penis area where it occurs in tiny clusters whereas in women this may come up in the cervix area or around the anal opening. This is also present vastly in men though it may not seem conspicuous. They are usually seen on the tip of the penis area, around the shaft on the scrotum. This disease cal also surface up on the mouth or throat through transmission after oral sex with a victim of anal warts.
During warts a person usually takes a simple diet with fruits and vegetables. Fruits like grapes, oranges, pineapple, pomegranate, apples, etc must be taken regularly. A person must drink lots of water and must keep oneself clean. The surrounding too must be clean and pollution free. One must also consult a dermatologist frequently to check improvements and difficulties.

Warts home remedies:
Warts can be treated through useful kitchen ingredients. These are natural cures that help in getting rid of genital warts. Castor oil is widely used as a genital warts home remedy for getting rid of warts. The castor oil is usually massaged over the affected areas at night before going to sleep to get the best results and kill warts. This is generally done for subsequent months, probably 3-8 months.
Figs that are fresh fruits usually found in hills offer valuable remedification of genital warts. The juice from figs that is a bit milky is extracted out from the warts and used as a home remedy for genital warts. This is applied in the sensitive area several times in a day and helps in battling against vaginal warts. This is recommended for a period of two to three weeks. The same is the case with potatoes. These potatoes are cut and applied on the affected areas several times a day and the treatment id carried out for a few weeks. Good results can be seen pretty soon after this kind of genital warts home remedy. Warts also get destroyed when onion is applied over the vaginal warts area. These onions exasperate the membrane and help in blood circulation. Papaya and pineapple h\juice make good lotions to be applied to the affected parts and help in removal of warts. Chalk powder with a blend of water is also a good warts remover.



Sinus is a serious problem with many children, teenagers and adults. Sinusitis is an infection caused by bacterial functioning. This infection of sinusitis is caused after cold and cough, fever or viral problems. This requires state of art antibiotics and doctor’s diagnosis for its cure.

When mucus blocks the nasal passages this leads to common cold or allergy attacks. These viral attacks may also occur due to the action of environmental pollutants that harm people. This may lead to acute pain and trouble at the nasal area and in between the eyes. This area gets infected with virus and this infection is popularly termed as sinus or sinusitis.

Around 35 million people get sinus attacks after their common cold viral infection in America itself. They also suffer from nasal blockage that further causes sinusitis. Thus sinus is amongst the most common n infection across the world that troubles many people in many countries. Thus, sinus is mimicry of bacterial virus like nasal blockages and cold.

Sinus is common in children as they suffer from respiratory diseases with their interaction with the environment more than general adults. Some physical tips to diagnose sinus are nasal blockages and cold lasting for 10 days or more. One needs to consult the doctor for any signs of sinusitis as it may result in seriousness if ignored. Irritation or tiredness, swollen eyes and the face area, nausea leading to vomiting is also a common symptom of sinusitis. Fever, headache, pain, bad breath, cough and cold, nasal blockage, pain in the teeth, are other symptoms if sinusitis.

One must avoid moving around in dust. Infection is caused from the environment that affects the nasal passage and causes wheezing and blockage. One must also take precautions in the diet by avoiding too much of cold water. One must keep ones mind healthy and tension free to prvent sinusitis.

Home remedial treatments
Vitamin a is needed in large quantities to fight the menace if sinus. Mango is a handy fruit that contains lot of vitamin A. Onion and garlic, as an ingredient in daily meals is a great option to battle sinus. Inhalation of black cumin seeds after typing them in a cloth is a good option to get rid of sinus.
A cold towel tied up to your head is a fine manner recommended by experts. One the towel becomes warm you can turn it to the other side. Sleep in a dark room, can help you to feel better.
Peppermint is used widely as it is an essential part of food omponent5s that help in battling sinusitis. These peppermints are inhaled and must be taken with warm steam for more effective sinus treatment.



 Health is wealth. Very true this statement. Everybody aspires to have a healthy body. A healthy body is a workshop in itself. Health is the3 active state of the mind and the body. Sound health can result from a sound diet, a sound sleep and a sound workout. This work out must be mental as well as physical. In other words early to bed, early to bed makes a man health, wealthy and wise.

Common things that affect an individual are common cold, headache and pain in the body. Other forms of diseases include diabetes, Alzheimer’s, obesity, hair fall, grey hair and other harmful diseases. It is said that prevention is better than cure. Hence most of these diseases can be prevented through precautionary measures and balance in everything. Awareness regarding the common disease and their diagnosis and cure is the best part of health care,

Health remedies include fat free food, high on fiber food, fresh vegetables, fruits and balance in everything. Good eating habits are the need of the hour. One must avoid junk food and all types of fast food as they often result on common diseases and become a hindrance to good health. Fatty foods result in stress and laziness. They increase the adipose in the body and burning of calories needs good work out. A puff can puff out a few minutes of your life. One must avoid smoking in order to keep oneself healthy and avoid back aches, cancer and asthma problems.

Health home remedies include the consumption of excessive water. Water must be taken in from morning to evening as many times as possible. Water helps in avoiding constipation and all other diseases as many of these have their origin in the stomach. It washes away all the harmful toxins from your body and its adequate intake helps in glowing and toning up your skin.

Thus one must always take precautions and consult a physician for a quality diet in order to be youthful and avoid aging too. After water and good food one can use health home remedies like garlic and onions. Garlic helps you to fight cancer. The clove leaves are used for healing cancer. Avoiding of smoking also helps you to avoid cancer.

One must also take care of health by checking facial pimples and hair, feet scratches, blisters, etc. While going out in the sun one must be careful of sun burn and must drink water and use sunscreen lotions to avoid tanning. Wile driving adults must make sure that they wear helmets to avoid calamities. Lime water and coconut oil help you in various things. Various things in your kitchen can help you to cure many diseases. \

Apart from physical exercises one must also carry out mental exercises like puzzle solving, mathematics and other mental workouts. This helps to get rid of Alzheimer’s and forgetfulness. Good and timely sleeping habits help in avoiding tension and stress.



hair remedies---hair loss remedies--home remedies for hair--remedies for hair loss--hair home remedies--remedies for dry hair---dry hair remedies---hair growth remedies---natural remedies for hair---natural remedies for hair loss----natural hair remedies--home remedies for hair loss--remedies for hair growth---remedies for thinning hair---natural hair loss remedies----home remedies for hair growth--
Natural Hair loss is the most problematic of all ailments. Nobody wishes to witness hair fall. Afterall everyone wishes to remain youthful and chic. But this is natural and hair fades away with time. There is however a bunch of people amongst us whose hair a remains dark black and never seem to fall off. Well, a lot of the credit goes to heredity. Hereditary features have a huge impact on hair loss and hair nutrition. Sometimes the water that one uses for bath may not be suitable for him. However dermatologists feel that a loss 100 hairs per day is pretty much normal.

Hair needs good care if you want it to help it look young. Choosing the right foodstuffs is the first step in the right direction. The right food stuffs are the best conditioners. Hair loss remedies include a blend of honey and olive oil massaged on the scalp of your head. This hair loss remedy helps to reach out to your scalp and make the root of your hair strong. After the rubbing of the mixture lotion onto the scalp one must wrap the head with a towel or a clean cloth for half an hour. After this one must use a clean shampoo and get a feel of your hair. The hair becomes heavy and gentle. This is the importance of nutrition for hair.

Hair loss remedies are easily available. Exasperate certain quantity of new ginger. This is mixed with honey in a jar and one teaspoon is taken daily. Use Amla (embilica officinalis), Shikakhai (Acacia concinna) for cleansing hair strands. Use of leafy vegetables, healthy food, buttermilk, salads and fruits helps to form a strong and healthy hair. Lettuce and spinach blended together as a juice help a log way. Coconut oil and lemon juice must be applied to the scalp in equal quantities.

Dry hair home remedies include massaging of mayonnaise onto the scalp. The quantity varies from3-5 teaspoons. Leave them for an hour or half and shampoo your hair. Mayo is a natural substance containing ingredients like egg, oil and mustard residue. This helps in making the hair look oily and silky with some gentle shine. This gives life to the hair and makes the dull hair vibrant.

One can also make a potion with honey and lemon to get a lustrous hair. Do not wash your hair after applying these two. Just hold on and brush your hair gently. Lemon is used widely as a home remedy for hair loss and dull hair. A lotion rinse made with the combination of tea and lemon juice acts as a hair drier for oily hair. Grey hair can be gotten rid of by mixing a powder of curry leaves in coconut oil and boiling the mixture. This must be applied to the hair every week. This will help you to grey your air in no time. You can get rid of dandruff by blending coconut oil with lemon juice and apply it to the scalp.



 Constipation is a common ailment that troubles a lot of people across the world. Infant constipation, baby constipation, constipation in children and constipation in animals (especially dogs) is amongst the most talked of constipation. Constipation is commonly known as a difficulty in bowel movement in a body. The general bowel motion is experienced far less than regular bowels. The number of times a person gets bowels may be less than the regular times a week. This is the biggest symptom of constipation. The stools and pallets are usually rigid and dry. Eradicating waste takes time and one faces difficulty in the bowel motion. Constipation is troublesome as it is painful and can cause swelling, itching and strain.

Constipation cure is possible as constipation is not a serious disease but a symptom of bad and irregular eating habits. This usually occurs with everyone at some point in their life and remedies for constipation are easily available. One constipation remedy can be to learn the causes and take precautions in the future. Constipation treatment can also help in constipation cure and constipation relief.

Common causes of constipation are lack of fiber in your diet, a dearth in physical activity and body movement, ignoring of bowel urge, sunstroke, problematic intestine functioning, or even poor quality milk. Constipation cure comes in the form of precautions. One must include fiber in his diet, be vary of sunstroke and dehydration, avoid junk food and eat a high fat diet. One must make sure that he takes a lot of liquids in his diet. A lot of water and fluids must be taken. Cola, drinks, beverages and coffee must be avoided as they encourage dehydration.

Constipation remedies are available in plenty. There are many home remedies and constipation cures. Constipation treatment can also be taken from a doctor who can diagnose the reason for your constipation and can offer you some guidance on the precautions and care to be taken to beat constipation.

Constipation remedies and constipation cures include home remedies for constipation like bale fruit consumption. It is a scientific discovery wherein a person consuming a bale fruit can get rid of constipation. This fruit is known to cure constipation as it is a laxative. It cleans up the system and brings out healthy bowel movements. Infant constipation, baby constipation and child constipation can be cured through the use of some cellulose cereal. Roughage is also needed for constipation remedification. Guava consumed along with the seeds can relieve constipation. Orange, pears, juices, papaya and some healthy fruit also helps to get rid of constipation. Corn syrup also comes handy as a cure for constipation. Additional sugar or honey with a glass of milk is also used widely.



cold---common cold----- cold virus--- cold remedy-cold remedies

Common cold is common with people. It is a viral infection that hits the higher regions of the respiratory system, generally including the throat and the nose. This viral disease may be communicable at times. General symptoms of common cold are a running nose, a tickling sensation in the throat and the top portion of the nose, some sneezing, cough, headaches, low desire for food, loss in body weight, jamming in the nose, sore throat, weaknesses and fatigue.
However, at times tears may run out from the eyes and the eyes may be swollen.

Common cold virus is infections. The affected areas begin to experience mild pains. This is a symptom of a common cold virus. Common cold is the most common disease that strikes people. Every individual gets to face it once in a year at least. These infections strike people around the world at least 2-3 times in a year according to an official survey. Other symptoms of common cold may be acute fever, rising temperature, body aches and chills. Its impediments include pneumonia that can threaten your life too. Not to worry, the probability of this is too small and rare. Common cold however has no difficulties or complications to life.

Common cold is more likely to occur with the change in seasons, when you go out after a cool shower or vice versa. Children and infants are more prone to common cold as they interact with their surroundings more than the average adults. Children and their care takers catch infection as they need to interact with a lot of people and other children at school, etc. As a result of their socializing they tend to catch communicable common diseases like common cold through the cold virus.

Common cold remedies at home include lemon juice intake this helps in vitamin c intake and helps to beat fever and common cold. A squeezed lemon with a tea spoon of honey must be taken as a warm water solution twice daily. This can work as a common cold remedy.
Starchy and solid foods, meat and other non-vegetable items must be avoided. Fruit and vegetable juices can help you to gain relief from common cold.

Ginger tea is a great option which is prepared by mixing of ginger pieces into warm water mixed with tea leaves. This results in effective beating of fever and common cold. This must also be taken twice a day.

Ladies finger is a very effective throat relief solution. It helps in killing irritation and throat infection. Cutting lady finger into pieces and inhaling them when put in lukewarm water can help you a ton. This can also relieve common cold and itching from throat. A paste made from bitter gourd roots mixed with honey or tulsi taken every night helps you to get rid of any symptoms of common cold. This is scientific and ancient and has a great healing capacity.



Acne is a skin membrane infection rooted through the blockage of spaces on the skin and fattening of glands and hair roots that are a part of the face. These also comprise of other areas on the skin like the neck, the shoulders, and the back and also the chest area. They are oily and lead to the formation of sensitive white or black heads that are bubble like substances commonly known as pimples or acne. This oily mixture comprises of dead cells that block the pores on the surface of the skin causing these itchy acne that are commonly substituted as whiteheads and blackheads.
These sebum blends surface up when the pores on the skin are blocked due to the oily substance. Moreover the bacteria that are present on the skin surface come up and on the skin texture and cause acne. This bacterium enters into this acne and makes them painful. Squeezing it can lead to an acne scar filled with pain.
Adult acne as compared to teen acne is more. Cane complex can cause severe pain and acne scars. Acne is also known as skin diabetes, the portion of skin that’s highly intolerant to sugars.
Acne causes include deprived sanitation, diet structure, inheritance, disparity in the hormones and oily skin. There is also certain acne caused due to the food intakes that cause allergy. Acne cause is the indigestion and constipation that results in the formation of hydrochloric acid in the stomach of a person leading to acne through the absorption of important nutrients. Rich diet comprising of milk and iodine rich foods is not recommended as these foodstuffs like liver, cheese, salt and crabs cause acne problem. Diet high on sugars like excess of milk, sweets and other pork can cause acne. Fatty acids like milk products and cookies also result in the accumulation of sugars and cause skin diabetes. Lack of vitamin A also results in acne formation.
Home remedies for acne
Apply orange peel on the affected area of the acne scar with some water on the peel.
Some home remedies for acne cure. Cucumber leaves are another good option for acne massage as they help you to get rid of acne. The pimples or whiteheads are also rubbed together with some garlic clove. Healthy skin is obtainable through the drinking of fresh water in sufficient quantity everyday. Aloe Vera gel is used widely to counter the acne menace. Cleansing the skin with the application of lemon or apple juice also helps a person to get rid of acne scars. Carrot juice helps in digestion thus avoiding acne.
There are many home remedies and acne treatments that can help you in facing acne problems.

Head lice treatments and home remedies


Lice influx on a human beings’ body is called Pediculosis scientifically. Lice can affect the body, pubic area or the head. Head lice in schools are highly prevalent. In US alone, between, 6 to 12 million children are affected by the influx of head lice in schools. This is an official figure released by the centers for disease control and prevention (CDC). Pre-school children, children of elementary schools and students at day care centers are the most prone to lice attacks. Head lice in schools are more common with girls although lice spare none, however good the cleanliness habits adopted may be. These have more penetration in certain hair types and dogs, cats and animals do not get these specific head lice.

Head lice in schools are the most featured lice transmission mode. Causes of head lice are mainly due to transmission from one head to another especially in schools where head-to-head contact is more with children. Causes of head lice also include sharing of a single pillow, lying on the floor carpets, putting on someone else’s hat or cap, etc. However causes of head lice are not clear to many people. Causes of head lice have specific reasons and there is a lack of awareness with regards to the actual causes of head lice. One must learn that sitting close to a friend affected with head lice will not transmit the louse on his head to yours. The lice cannot jump from one head to another. Head lice cannot fly either. However, indirect contact with lice through brushes, combs, bed cloths, towels and pillows is less certain to hit your head as the lice expire if they are kept absent from scalp for 2 days or more.
Treatments for head lice infestations
Olive oil head lice treatment is considered as a superior treatment method against lice. Olive oil head lice treatment is usually done while the child is going to his/her bed. In the typical olive oil head lice treatment warm olive oil is usually poured on to the head of the child and it is rubbed or massaged till it reaches the scalp. It is run into the hair in similarity to the shampoo. The head is then enfolded carefully with a plastic bathe cap before the child goes to sleep. The child’s’ head is washed gently in the morning bath time to drain out the olive oil. After the olive oil Head lice treatment is done the lice on the head are no more seen. They die naturally. Their eggs may however lie amidst the scalp which can be taken out immediately with a gentle brush. This must be done constantly for 3 nights on an average. Experts believe that the olive oil head lice treatment is a very competitive and effective treatment.
Treatments for head lice apart from the olive oil head lice method include, hot water and lice comb method. The best treatment for head lice using fewer materials can be to dip the lice comb into the hot boiling water between each rub of the hair. This can help you out in loosening the glue that actually keeps together the nits on the hair duct.
Coconut shampoo, vinegar solution and petroleum gel are other handy treatments for head lice.



Pimples are small whiteheads caused due to the log jamming of pores on the skin. There are certain glands inside the skin that produce sebum that is oily.
The dead cells come in close contact with this sticky sebum resulting in the formation of irritating whiteheads or blackheads that are more formally called as pimples. This usually happens when a person is attaining puberty. This disease of skin pimples is more common with children and teenagers than adults. This blockage of skin glands causes oily and stick skin and leads to the production of a pimple. These pimples are warehouses of bacteria that affect the skin area badly causing a scar and itching sensation. However the body is equipped with WBC’s or white blood cells that increase blood circulation near the danger area and release anti bacterial cells that battle these bacteria on the skin surface and help you to get rod of pimples.

 Common causes of pimples are unhygienic conditions around you and your face. Constipation that causes hydrochloric acid that in turn produces pimples is also a common cause of pimples on the skin of a person. When a person does not clean his or her face regularly or properly these pimples are caused with the accumulation of bacteria and oily skin. Excessive consumption of consumer goods that have a high content of sugar also results in the formation and production of bacterial pimples. Pimples are also called as skin diabetes. This is because of the excessive consumption of sugar products like coffee, coco cola, and pepsi and other sugar rich drinks and food stuffs. Some people consume very minute quantities of water in their diet and daily functioning. Very limited drinking of water causes serious damage to the internal system and doesn’t help in the destruction of the dead cells and bowel. This can cause constipation and oily skin thus causing pimples. People who keep awake at late nights also face the menace of pimples due to hormonal imbalances and exhaustion. These may be common pimples like vaginal pimples, facial pimples, shoulder pimples, back pimples, neck pimples, popping pimples that are sensitive and cause pain when squeezed.

Pimples are usually treated with over the counter antibiotics and painkillers, various creams and lotions are also used to get rid of pimples. There are many face wash products that promise a pimple free effect. Camphor lotions, tomato juice and honey blended together as a lotion with the quantity of ½ tsp, ½ tsp and 1 tsp each respectively is prepared. This lotion is then applied on the skin for 15 minutes to half an hour. This must be washed away after the stipulated time using some Luke warm water which is subsequently followed by some cool water. This lotion helps a person top get rod of pimples and scars that surface up on the skin. The same can be done using honey 1 tsp; carrot juice 1 tsp and garlic paste 1 tsp respectively. The procedure is the same as the above.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

strong lipid reductions, to keep heart stronger








Wednesday, October 27, 2010



Medicines used to prevent heart attack and strokes and heart surgeries and angina pain is

1. cardiozen 10
2. cardiozen 20

the salt in used the above medicine is atorvastatin 10 mg and atorvastatin 20 mg.

3.  CARDIOZEN - FB Tablets

salt in this medicine is ATORVASTATIN and FENOFIBRATE

( a ) It controls  hyperlipidemia

( b ) it prevents coronary heart disease.

 ( c ) periferal vascular disease

.( d ) diabetes mellitus.

Sunday, September 19, 2010



Now a days eye fue is on increase .
every 2nd patient i am meeting is suffering from eye flue
there are different problems which he is facing like irritation , eyes redness and pain...

Refresh tears is one of the good medicines which can be used to prevent EYE FLU.

another medicines to prevent the problem of eye flue are
the basic Antibiotic salt used is Ofloxacin or Ciprofloxacin eye drops.
Its available in many different companies brands with cipla and laborate companies who manufacture it with the product names as
OFLOX e/d from Cipla company
CIPLOX e/d from Cipla company.
OFLOX D e/d from Cipla company
CIPLOX D e/d from Cipla company
FESTIVE E/D from Laborate company.
FESTIVE D from laborate company
CEFLOX from laborate company
CEFLOX D for laborate company



+91 9779209650

Body Building and Development protein rich powders n medicines


Now a days there is a trend and every youth whether it be a gal or boy wants to show off there body.

For body building there are a lots of protein rich powders n medicines available in the market.

But i will mention a few best brands n the procedure how to use them to develop a strong body and muscles.


Endura first or Body grow powder.
These are one of the best brands available for freshers beginners .. the people who want to start at initial stage with light dosage of medicines.

DIET for beginners:

Well you have to do atleast 5 to 10 minutes of excercise in the morning at the initial stage. and with passage of time you have to increase yours excercise time.

after u are done with exercise you have to drink one glass hot or lukewarm milk and you have to put 2 teaspoons of the ENDURA FIRST OR BODY GROW powder and mix it well and sugar as per taste and half spoon desi ghee you may mix within the milk n drink it and also you have to eat either 2 bananas or 2 apples and
you have to follow the same procedure 2 times a day once in the morning and then in evening to have great body n to have muscles which can be developed by doing vigorous exercise in future.



For the people who are using the medicines and protein rich powder to make their body and muscles can follow the following diet and they may use the medicines if they like.

Body grow
Creatine powder

Endura mass
mega mass
there is a very big variety of these protein rich powders available in the market but i am only writing the ones which have results.. it will take time to make body but  u have to keep patience.

additional medicines for making good body are

ciplactin n dexona

MORE POWER ayurvedic medicines which will help you to develop strength and enhance yours grace and one may develop muscles..

DIET will be told to you after you visit me for purchasing these medicines.

My shop address is


NOTE : Its my request to all my friends who are reading this article to consult me personally before taking these medicines as i will guide you the best way how to consume these medicines which will help you to to develop good body.

These medicines should not be consumed without proper guidance so i want my patients to consult me before you go for the course..

Treatment for Depression, hypertension and to control blood pressure.


I invite people who are depressed and whose blood pressure is uncontrolable and who are always in tension
to consult me for treatment.
I will try to assist you as much as i can .. and make u well.

There are various medicines for solving depression n stress and hpertension but i will advice to all my patients to personally visit me and consult me as their are different medicines which i give to patients depending on their condition after meeting them personally.

I will name a few medicines for increasing yours knowledge to reduce depression and hypertension n to control blood pressure:

PRODEP from sun pharma
Fludac 20 from cadila company

Calmpose from cipla company

and a lots more medicines which will help u to reduce depression and hypertension n blood pressure.

I advice my patients to personally visit my shop and consult me for assitance personally.
Mohan medicose
31 bridge market,
sector 17 d,

Please call me before to take an appointment at +919779209650
and mail me kindly for the same with urs name n contact address and phone number at

Saturday, June 5, 2010



Chinese Medicine: Do They Work?
Modern medicines have been largely developed from the herbal medicines in the West. Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) however remains mostly unexplored by modern drug discovery. Traditional Chinese Medicine consists of thousands of Chinese herbs and even a larger number of herbal formulas combining several Chinese herbs. TCM also includes a unique system of theories that directs the proper use of Chinese herbs. Chinese people have solely relied on Traditional Chinese Medicine for thousands of years for their health, much the same as the Western herbal medicine did for the Europeans before the modern medicine was born from it.

Herbal Medicine: Does it Work?
If you find yourself getting interested in herbal medicine, you are not alone. Herbal medicines are becoming more and more popular in the USA. Recent surveys showed that about half of the American adults have used herbal supplements within a year. Many of them can testify for the beneficial effects of herbal medicines. The often cited reasons for using the herbal remedies include the ineffectiveness of the current medical treatment on their health concerns, the high cost of the health care and prescription drugs, and the side effects of the prescription drugs etc. Backing the public demand, in 1998 the US congress approved the creation of the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM) to explore the value of herbal medicines.
In contrast to the enthusiasm of the general public, the medical community is more skeptical towards herbal medicines in general. Surely enough, herbal medicines are not considered as drugs in USA and are hardly approvable by FDA as drugs as well. Herbal medicines are not rigorously tested by scientific studies as conventional drugs for their health benefits. Herbal medicines are not produced to the same quality standards as the conventional drugs for lot to lot consistency. The side effect profiles of herbal medicines are often not quite clear so the safety may become an issue. Ironically, while clinical studies that demonstrated the efficacy of a given herbal remedy often meet doubts from the medical community on their real benefits, any report on potential side effects of herbal remedies are taken for granted and easily accepted. 
For those who simply deny any benefits from herbal remedies, the question is if a herbal medicine can do something harmful physiologically then why a herbal medicine can not do something good physiologically as well. After all, no matter what the effect is, it all works by the natural molecules contained in the herbal medicine on the physiology of the body.
To the surprise of some people, natural molecules comprise a major part of our current drugs. As late as the last two decades (1981-2002), of the 877 New Chemical Entities drugs approved by FDA, 49% were still natural products or derived from natural products1. Not to mention the earlier decades when the drugs were predominantly developed from natural products.
Herbal medicines have been an important source of natural product drugs and the root of modern pharmacology and drug development. Take digoxin as an example2. Digoxin is a modern drug used for congestive heart failure. It is a natural molecule occurring in the herb foxglove. Foxglove was originally used in folk herbal remedies consisting of a dozen of herbs. Over 200 years ago it was found to be the active ingredient of the herbal remedies. By 1906, different preparations of foxglove were included in US pharmacopeia. No standard was there. Then standard assays were developed to monitor the bioactivity of foxglove preparations. Eventually, digoxin was identified and became a standard chemical drug. 
While modern drugs were largely developed from the herbal medicines in the western world, traditional oriental medicines, mainly Chinese medicine, remain most unexplored by modern drug discovery. Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) consists of thousands of Chinese herbs and even a larger number of herbal formulas combining several Chinese herbs. TCM also includes a unique system of theories that directs the proper use of Chinese herbs. Chinese people have solely relied on TCM for thousands of years for their health, much the same as the Western herbal medicine did for the Europeans before the modern medicine was born from it.
So far only one modern drug has been successfully developed from Chinese herbs and won the world acclaimation3. The drug is Artemisinin (Qinghaosu in Chinese name) from the Chinese herb Qing Hao. Qing Hao has been used in Traditional Chinese Medicine for many centuries to treat malaria. Artimisinin was purified from Qing Hao and further demonstrated to be superior to the standard antimalarial Quinine treatment by Chinese scientists4, 5. Artemisinin also represents a novel class of chemical structure and forms the basis for synthesizing new drugs. Artemisinin and its derivatives are playing a major role in fighting malaria in the third world. This is a big contribution of Traditional Chinese Medicine on the world health. 
Chinese Herbs: Are They Safe:

As someone who has done 20 years of cutting-edge biomedical research and who runs this web site, I have witnessed the debate on whether the herbal medicine works or whether it is safe to use all the time.

Take a latest case report on this month's Lancet (July, 2006). A man who took a Chinese herbal medicine developed bladder cancer. The herbal formula he took is called Long Dan Xie Gan Wan, a formula in recent years already linked to kidney damage in numerous cases. The kidney damage is due to aristolochic acid, a natural compound of a herb used in the herbal preparation at the time. (The aristolochic acid containing herb has since been replaced or removed from most Long Dan Xie Gan Wan preparations. ActiveHerb has not sold this formula because of the safety concern until May 2007 when we obtain the clean product that DOES NOT contain aristolochic acid. Please see it 
Long Dan Xie Gan Wan (Pian)
Concentrated Chinese Herbal मेदिसिने
Long Dan Xie Gan Wan (Long Dan Xie Gan Pian, 龙胆泻肝丸), literally "Gentiana Purge Liver Pills" in Chinese, is a famous Chinese medicine for its popular use in purging the liver fire, cleansing the liver, and hepatitis. However, in recent years it gets known to cause kidney damages in numerous cases (for example, see Herbal Safety) because of aristolochic acid the original formula contains. For this reason, we have not sold any Long Dan Xie Gan Wan till now (May, 2007) that the current product is available that DOES NOT contain aristolochic acid.
What does it do?
Long Dan Xie Gan Wan clears away sthenic fire in the liver and gallbladder meridians, eliminates damp heat in the lower energizer. The Chinese medicine is used for hyperactivity in sthenic fire in the liver and gallbladder meridians marked by headache, hypochondriac pain, conjunctival congestion, bitter taste in the mouth, deafness, otalgia. The Chinese medicine is also effective for downbearing of damp heat in the liver meridian marked by darkish turbid urine, vaginal pruritus, vaginal swelling, scrotal swelling, leukorrhea, reddish tongue with yellowish greasy fur, wiry and slippery and strong pulse.
The man took the formula for over 5 years. What can we conclude? According to the authors of the report, it "highlights the dangers of unregulated herbal therapy". 
What is the formula composition?
A proprietary blend* of

Radix Gentianae Scabrae
Radix Bupleuri Chinensis
Rhizoma Alismatis Orientalis
Radix Rehmanniae Glutinosae
Radix Scutellariae Baicalensis
Fructus Gardeniae Jasminoidis
Medulla Tetrapanacis Papyriferi
Semen Plantaginis (Plantago asiatica)
Radix Angelicae Sinensis
Radix Glycyrrhizae Uralensis
(Long Dan Cao)
(Chai Hu)
(Ze Xie)
(Sheng Di Huang)
(Huang Qin)
(Zhi Zi)
(Tong Cao)
(Che Qian Zi)
(Dang Gui)     
(Gan Cao)

Please notice that this product does not contain Caulis Aristolochiae Manshuriensis (Guan Mu Tong), the herb ingredient in the original formula that contributes to aristolochic acid.
*Long Dan Xie Gan Wan (Pian) is made of 100% pure authentic Chinese herbs of highest qualities. Traditional preparation procedures are combined with modern pharmaceutical processes to extract the active ingredients from the herbs and to further concentrate them into pills or tablets. It is produced in the certified GMP facilities of Shanghai TongHanChun Herbs Factory (Guang Ci Tang) and is imported to USA in accordance with the FDA guidelines.
What is Available?
One top Chinese herbs brand:
Guang Ci Tang: 40 grams in 200 mg 200 tablets or 200 mg 200 pills per bottle
How do I use it?
Take 5 to 7 tablets or pills 3 times daily.
Use Discretion
Side Effects
As mentioned above, Long Dan Xie Gan Wan in some formulation has been implicated in kidney damages. It is important to inspect any product of Long Dan Xie Gan Wan before use to make sure it does not contain Caulis Aristolochiae Manshuriensis (Guan Mu Tong) in its ingredients.
Cautious Notes
1. Use with caution during pregnancy.
2. Use with caution if you are old, weak, or with loose stool.
3. Avoid oily (like french fries) and spicy food.
4. Do not use it together with tonic Chinese herbs.
5. Does not use it for a long time.
6. Consult your herbalist or physician before use if you have heart, arrhythmia, hypertension, kidney, diabetes liver and other chronic diseases.
7. Consult your herbalist or physician before use if you are taking other medicines.
8. Keep out of reach of children.

The man took the formula for over 5 years. What can we conclude? According to the authors of the report, it "highlights the dangers of unregulated herbal therapy".
Fairly enough, also in the news of this month, is that a study finds acetaminophen, the active ingredient in Tylenol, damages liver. In the study published in JAMA (Journal of the American Medical Association), 40% healthy adults taking maximal doses of Tylenol for just two weeks showed abnormal liver test results. The adverse effect of acetaminophen on liver has been known for a long time but the scale of this damage still comes to the surprise. Now considering Tylenol is a nonprescription OTC medicine used by most, if not all, Americans in their life, what can we conclude here?

Obviously we cannot simply conclude whether herbal medicines or OTC medicines are safe. We need to look deeper into what might contribute to the adverse effects.

A common reason for drug side effects is the improper or wrong use of medicines. In the Long Dan Xie Gan Wan case, the man used it for enhancing the liver for over 5 years. However, the herbal formula is not used in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) as tonics but rather used for purging the liver. In addition, the herbal remedy is not suitable for a long time use. However, he used the wrong product not only for months but for 5 years. This is a clear case of both wrong and improper use of herbal medicines. In the case of acetaminophen, its accidental overdose causes 100 death and 13000 emergency room visits a year in USA अलोने. The overdose occurs because acetaminophen is included in many OTC and prescription drugs and people unwittingly combine drugs or because misinformed belief that larger doses will give faster pain relief.

The well publicized side effect of ephedra belongs to its misuse as well. While ephedra is a Chinese herb, it has never been used in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) as a single herb for weight loss. Instead, ephedra is used in TCM in combination with other herbs to deal with health concerns other than obesity and no toxic effect is observed.

Another reason for drug side effects relates to the poor product quality. While we can trust FDA in ensuring that every medicine on the market is made under the strict quality control procedures, bleach in quality control had previously happened in USA. Quality control of herbal medicines is certainly a major concern. One aspect of concern is the contamination of herbs by heavy metals (e. g., lead) and pesticides. There have been reports of toxicity caused by the excessive lead in herbal products. Another aspect of concern is that pharmaceuticals are mixed into herbs without being disclosed to consumers. For example, a claimed "all natural", "guaranteed to work", male enhancement product may contain the active ingredient of Viagra. It surely works. What you do not know is that really the Viagra ingredient works. This can easily get your health out of control. Here we would like to mention the herbal supplements ActiveHerb sells are strictly selected for their high quality.

Finally, side effects are intrinsic to many medicines and cannot be avoided. Their use depends on whether the benefits or the adverse effects outweigh. Why prescription drugs need to be prescribed by doctors? Because they all have side effects and the doctors' role is to direct their proper use. Remember Vioxx, the blockbuster painkiller withdrawn by Merck at the end of 2004? Vioxx is estimated to have caused 140,000 serious coronary heart disease! Multiple sclerosis drug Tysabri is a different story. After linked to several patient deaths, the drug was taken off the market in early 2005. But it now comes back with more restrictions on the use.

Some herbal medicines have intrinsic side effects too. However, many believe herbal medicines in general have much fewer side effects than pharmaceuticals. This notion seems to be supported by the occurrence of drug adverse reactions in China where TCM is widely used. A vast majority of drug adverse reactions reported in China are caused by chemical drugs. Most TCMs are classified as nonprescription drugs in China and have good safety profiles when used properly. Herbal medicines including TCM are regulated in USA as dietary supplements. This status of dietary supplements partly reflects their origin as food and their benign nature in action in most cases. From a historic perspective, herbal medicines have been developed on a trial and error process on human body over thousands of years, much like today we know what to eat as food and how we test drug safety in current clinical trials.
In the end, what can I conclude? No matter it is a mainstream medicine or herbal medicine, we have to use the right product, made in right quality and obtained from a reliable source, for the right application at the right dose and duration. Any compromise or omission may cause our health.

Thursday, May 13, 2010



Iching is a very big problem mostly people suffer in summer season due to hot heat.
there are rashes and redness under the arms and between the fingures and between thighs etc.
you can use Itch guard cream and power as well
ring guard if u have round circle Rings like symptoms anywhere on yours body
you can use Dermicool powder
nycil powder

boro plus ice powder to give u a little relief.

as well u can take levo cetrizine tablets if u have lots of itching
and u can also use tigboderm n+ cream
you can also even apply clocip b
or candid b cream
clop cream
if yours itching has become a very big problem like scabbies then you can use the lotion
SCABPER. after bathing in the morning . apply on the affected area on yours body.

Monday, March 15, 2010



 1. Veerorab injection.

2. Rabipur injection.
this is from novartis company.

these are two types of injections which act as anti rabbies and saves a life of a person.



There are plenty of pimple reducing soaps available in the market today.


These are to be used atleast 2 times a day  and after applying it
cleansing milk can be an additional asset as it will remove the durt / impurity and then we can apply moistureiser or face cream on ours face.
so within short time we will see the best results.



Well today i have brought a very nice product for all the people who are pissed off by doing ITCHING . ..
The name of the medicine is


Its the best soap i have seen so far which can cure even the skin allergies that's 20 years old within 1 or 2 months in combination to another medicines.
its most powerful affective and has no side affects.

NOTE:  This Soap is only for ADULTS not for kids.

In addition one must use dilute dettol and wash his body where he has itching.

please call me and talk to me as i different people have different problems regarding itching.
so i can try to guide you better at