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Thursday, December 30, 2010

Head lice treatments and home remedies


Lice influx on a human beings’ body is called Pediculosis scientifically. Lice can affect the body, pubic area or the head. Head lice in schools are highly prevalent. In US alone, between, 6 to 12 million children are affected by the influx of head lice in schools. This is an official figure released by the centers for disease control and prevention (CDC). Pre-school children, children of elementary schools and students at day care centers are the most prone to lice attacks. Head lice in schools are more common with girls although lice spare none, however good the cleanliness habits adopted may be. These have more penetration in certain hair types and dogs, cats and animals do not get these specific head lice.

Head lice in schools are the most featured lice transmission mode. Causes of head lice are mainly due to transmission from one head to another especially in schools where head-to-head contact is more with children. Causes of head lice also include sharing of a single pillow, lying on the floor carpets, putting on someone else’s hat or cap, etc. However causes of head lice are not clear to many people. Causes of head lice have specific reasons and there is a lack of awareness with regards to the actual causes of head lice. One must learn that sitting close to a friend affected with head lice will not transmit the louse on his head to yours. The lice cannot jump from one head to another. Head lice cannot fly either. However, indirect contact with lice through brushes, combs, bed cloths, towels and pillows is less certain to hit your head as the lice expire if they are kept absent from scalp for 2 days or more.
Treatments for head lice infestations
Olive oil head lice treatment is considered as a superior treatment method against lice. Olive oil head lice treatment is usually done while the child is going to his/her bed. In the typical olive oil head lice treatment warm olive oil is usually poured on to the head of the child and it is rubbed or massaged till it reaches the scalp. It is run into the hair in similarity to the shampoo. The head is then enfolded carefully with a plastic bathe cap before the child goes to sleep. The child’s’ head is washed gently in the morning bath time to drain out the olive oil. After the olive oil Head lice treatment is done the lice on the head are no more seen. They die naturally. Their eggs may however lie amidst the scalp which can be taken out immediately with a gentle brush. This must be done constantly for 3 nights on an average. Experts believe that the olive oil head lice treatment is a very competitive and effective treatment.
Treatments for head lice apart from the olive oil head lice method include, hot water and lice comb method. The best treatment for head lice using fewer materials can be to dip the lice comb into the hot boiling water between each rub of the hair. This can help you out in loosening the glue that actually keeps together the nits on the hair duct.
Coconut shampoo, vinegar solution and petroleum gel are other handy treatments for head lice.

1 comment:

head lice shampoo said...

Home remedies can also be a good alternative.